Wednesday, October 11, 2006

books. love them.

one book that changed your life

dispatches from the edge - anderson cooper [more...eye opening than life changing, but it had an impact none the less. i know. lame. but true.]

one book you've read more than once

east of eden - john stienbeck [and you thought your family was messed up]

one book you’d want on a desert island

persuasion - jane austin [unrequited love. what could be better?]

one book that made you laugh

the stinky cheese man and other fairly stupid tales - jon scieszka & lane smith [yeah it's a kids book. so what? read it. you'll laugh so hard you'll snot on the page. so get your own copy. see? i'm just like a kid]

one book that wracked you with sobs

the time traveler's wife - audrey niffenegger [sobs isn't even the right word. but bawling doesn't mean bad. possibly my favourite book]

one book you wish had never been written

mostly harmless - douglas adams [book 5 in hitchhiker series - stupid he should have quit while he was ahead]

one book you’re currently reading

genetics: a conceptual approach - benjamin a. pierce [no time for real reading. only textbooks]

one book you’ve been meaning to read

the two towers - j.r.r. tolkien [i know! i'm sorry! i only read the first one!]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

only one book in each category? quite a pain, bet it was, ;).