so i was digging through my desk and found some old zip disks from my design school days. i wanted to see what was on them so that meant digging out my zip drive. of course it was the most difficult thing ever to find. anyway, i got it and there were some good things on them! so i'm gonna share some of them with you now.

first we have the chicken. this came from an illustration for an article. i don't really remember what the article was blot tests or something. i drew a little guy looking at at ink blot and then this chicken was in his little thought bubble. everyone in my class loved the chicken for some reason and he kinda became my trademark. he ended up on everything i did. it was really weird. i mean, don't get me wrong, i love the little guy, but it was just a 2 second illustrator drawing. anyway, that's the story of the chicken. i'm actually really happy that i found this file. i don't have the file of the whole drawing he's from though. i wonder where that is...

this picture was a drawing i did from another drawing. it was to teach technique with these fancy coloured pencils [that cost like $35/box...and i needed 2 boxes]. it took me HOURS to do this. oh man, you had to layer the, start with the lightest colour that could be the base of the whole thing, and then the next colour and the next and the next. so some places have like, 10 layers of colour. i just sat and watched tv and coloured for hours. i ended up getting totally impatient with it and kinda started slacking on it a bit in the end. which resulted in me only getting a B on it. but i think that that also had something to do with the fact that the teacher hated me. but whatever.

oh the still life. this took hours too. and i had no idea what to draw. the criteria was, draw anything. so this is a random collection of things i have in my room. some parts of it i am so amzingly happy with i could do a dance. but then other parts i'm not so thrilled with. i won't point out the problem areas. i'll let you decide for yourself. but i know that i'm being overly criticle of myself because in the class critique it was picked out as one of the best and i got an A on it. fantastic.

hahahaha do you know what this is? this was for a self portrait project. the rules were, marks would be awarded for creativity. so if you just sat down with a pencil and did a drawing of your face, it could be completely the most amazing thing to ever be represented in graphite but you're not going to get an A because its not at all creative. so i found these rediculous colours of clay in my house and just was being a moron more than anything, but in the end, it totally worked out so i handed it in. the teacher loved it. i got a little bit of flack for the extreme colours, but the whole clay thing wasn't planned! i just fell on it! so that's the story of clay me. and its way more impressive in person. i still have it. haha!

and last but not least, we have the mirror drew barrymore. for this we had to find a photograph of a persons face, cut it in half right down the middle, and then draw what we saw on the photograph on the other side. so it ended up being a mirror image. we were suppoed to find pictures of people who were looking straight on. because if it wasn't straight on, you'd get an odd mirror image. kinda like i did. its funny because the photograph really did look pretty straight on. but the drawing looks weird. i really liked that project. also, surprise surprise, it took hours.
so those are a few of the things i did in design school. i miss art classes. i want to take some more. i really want to take the black and white photography class at nscad but its a few hundred dollars to register plus i have to buy film and all that...i'm not made of money. so looks like no.
ok, now i just want to say that there should be some way for blogger to know that you're drunk when you're typing things, and not let you do it. holy drunken blogging batman. i'm not going to delete it because i wrote it and its been there all day, but i'm going to try to never drunk blog again. ever.
last night, in my drunken state, i somehow ended up in a wrestling match. my stomach feels all bruised. owie.
this is a really long post, but it's worth it.
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