i'm such a fool when i'm drunk. i always think back on the night and just think oh man...i'm such a moron... i don't ever do anything overly stupid. i just feel foolish. and camera phones should not be allowed in the hands of drunk people. trouble! and the pictures are always all grainy and dark. i think they'd turn out better if the flash was used, but you have to actually set the flash for every picture and who wants to screw around with that when they're drunk and just want to take the picture? plus the flash on my phone actually blinds people. yeah, i'm not kidding. if you look into the flash, your eyes will burn out of your head. so i never really use it anyway.
i'm deciding right now that last night was totally worth it. if i hadn't gone out last night i would have actually gone insane. and now the month of october is going to be pretty busy for me so there probably won't be any drunken nights until some time in november. which is good. because i can't afford it, and its so much more fun when it only happens every once and a while. well, maybe there will be one. i think there is one weekend in october that is in the middle of the crazyness and i could justify a night of beer filled fun. yeah, i'm gonna say the weekend of october 28 will be a good weekend for some beer. oh man. that's another month away. that seems to be my limit. so thats good.
[on a completely unrelated note, john king, as great as he is, talks waaaay too fast. i find it hard to keep up with him. and obviously hilary is going to defend the work bill did as president...waste of time to hear what she has to say about it.]
alright. enough of this wasting of time. man, if there were a procrastination olympics, i'd win the gold medal in every event.
oh, and i thought that i was super lame for having sexyback as my ringtone [everyone needs a little justin timberlake in their day] but as it turns out, of the 5 girls i was with last night, 3 of us have the same ringtone. haha awesome.
and i almost forgot! pictures! this was last night. there are more, but my phone is being a bitch and won't send them. so we've got some pictures of some shameless cuties, shawn and luke, and then two lovey ladies. but its really dark. boo. and luke is cuter than shawn [even with the scruff ;)].

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