man, i am in a great mood. and i had to get up at 6:00 this morning. it doesn't even matter! today is great. so far. it is
so nice out, i went to freak lunchbox and got some candy, my worm lab was fun [yes, i said worm], and i got an awesome present last night from miss mellie's new york trip.
WHO LOVES REESE CUPS!!! oh man. that's right. that tin is full of little mini reese cups. and you know what the little reese cup in front is?
LIP GLOSS!! haha that's right. it tastes so good. who wants a kiss? there is nothing wrong with tasting like reese cups. especially if you love them as much as i do. and the bowl! i love bowls. i have this bowl with a cow on it that i got as a happy moving in gift from my old roommate and i
love it. even though that friendship went completely sour...but whatever. this is about the frigging wicked reese bowl! look at that! and the inside has a picture of a reese cup!

i'm afraid to add it to the pile of dishes for my retard family to use. it's bad enough that moo bowl is out in the mix. man, happy days. and there is a new gilmore girls on tonight. can today get any better? i don't think so. too bad i have to study for my climate change exam i have tomorrow. boo-urns. oh well. i have the weekend to look forward to! the most fun ever dr. poo's birthday dessert-a-thon on friday and the second most fun ever on saturday with shameless [except i feel a little weird about the last time i saw them...]! ah great times. great times indeed.
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