Monday, September 18, 2006

what i learned today

i am not, nor will i ever be, a philosopher. i never really thought that i was totally science minded and would be able to handle a philosophy class, but now i know that i am definitely more of a science thinker than not. sitting in lecture with the intense eco-feminist and listening to what she's saying, my brain fights it every step of the way. everything she says, i have a "logical" response to. and the one thing that i always hated about non-science environmental classes was people who think they can change the world with a sign at a protest. i am not an activist. i am definitely a scientist. and this class? she totally promotes activism as the way to make progress. demanding that changes be made, with no actual solution isn't going to get anyone anywhere. you can't just say, stop global warming. stop it how? you need a solution. you can't just demand that it stop. maybe that's a bit of an extreme example, but do you see what i mean? or, stop using fossil fuels. are you kidding me? how are we going to just stop using fossil fuels? we have no alternative. i dunno. maybe i'm totally off in my thinking, but that's just how it is. so we'll see how it goes...

what i also learned today is that from mid-october until the second week of november, i will be extremely busy. stuff due like, everyday. well, maybe not that bad, but you know what i mean. its midterm season. so what that means is i won't see my favourite 80's cover band until possibly mid-november. what?! will i make it? guess we'll have to wait and see.

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