Monday, September 18, 2006


so who is watching Anderson Cooper 360 right now? and who just saw that interesting little attacking Iran pro/con list? are you kidding me? what is wrong with the world? why does it have to come down to the US attacking and Iran retaliating? the best case scenario is that they just rebuild and that's it. but worst case is a list of horribleness as long as my arm. and then paula zahn asks the question, will this turn into a diplomatic showdown or have peaceful options run out? i think that if the UN is still involved, then at this point it looks like diplomatic showdown. hopefully it stays that way.
like i've said before, my trust in what we see on the news is shaky at best. i don't doubt the attacking iran best/worst case scenario. i think that could be right on. but paula zahn? you're just putting fear into peoples heads. that's why i don't like the news. just tell us what's going on. forget about all the speculation of terror. because all they're going to do is talk up potential disaster and underplay the talks with the UN. you know that's what that report is going to be like. because peaceful UN talks? not nearly as exciting as impending war.
and this whole thing about the pope's comments about the Muslim religion. have you been watching the news and thinking that every single Muslim in the world is in a complete uproar and there is killing and violence everywhere? because that's how it is coming across. but you know what this guy on 360 just said? that the killing and violent outbursts are confined to fairly small areas and groups. i don't presume to know the global extent of the outrage, or to understand the personal outrage towards the comments. that is not my point. my point is that there are now contradicting reports on the violence and outrage. so as someone who is not there, and not witnessing the situation first hand, how do i know what's true? why is there a need by the media to exaggerate everything? they are supposed to be informing the public as a non-bias, uncluttered source. personally, i don't want to hear what they think might happen. i don't want any "if's" or speculation based on events that may or may not happen. just tell me exactly what is going on in the world. let us as viewers formulate our own opinions instead of having them forced down our throats. your fear tactics just piss me off. you shouldn't have to take the news with a grain of salt.

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