ok. so i took a shower, relaxed and now i'm good. we can return to our regularly scheduled blogging.
first i want to start off by saying, i was very sad to hear about steve irwin. i love the crocodile hunter. people try to look for the positive thing in a tragedy like this and i guess you can say at least he died doing what he loved. not that there is really anything positive about it at all. the attention it is getting is crazy. the prime minister of australia said some really great things about him. when you see all kinds of media attention for someone who has died, like an entire country is heartbroken, do you ever think about who will be heartbroken when it's you? kind of a depressing line of thinking. but i can't help it. either way, steve irwin dying is awful. he was great.

on a little bit of a happier note, i had a totally fun filled weekend. friday night at cheers was awesome. i ran into a girl i used to work with so that was super fun. we bonded over our love of shameless when we worked together. we were fast friends. as it turned out, i didn't get a sparklecaster. its ok. i'll wait. but i did get a picture of it! look how beautiful it is! too bad i'd had a few too many even by that point and i'm holding it all weird. and what's with the camera all on an angle? someone is going to lose their photographer privlidges. whatever. got the pic, had the fun, it was a successful night. i missed one person on my way out the door though, which kinda sucked. there are more pictures...i just don't have them yet. i may or may not get to post them here.
saturday night was birthday dinner/beers. it was fun at dinner, and the early part of the beers but i didn't last long due to the shenanigans the night before. but they went out full force and i think the birthday girl ended up having a decent night.
the lower deck last night was fantastic. i don't think that i've ever had so much fun at the deck. as it turned out, it was greg's last night with signal hill. he said he's being replaced right away. it won't be the same without him. i don't like change. and it seems there is a lot of it going around. anyway, the deck kicks ass. i can't wait until next summer for more patio parties. here are some pictures.

cory tetford was playing with what i'm assuming was wreckhouse because it was a 3-piece paul lamb band, but the regular drummer wasn't there and the
bass player wasn't there. cory tetford is so hot. he stood there and waited for me to take this picture. i wish it was closer and framed better. i wish i could sing like him. but no body plays guitar like paul lamb.

two happy little beer drinkers. this was night 3 in a row for these girls. that's some dedication. but that's what happens when the first day of school is barreling down on you like a freight train at top speed and you just can't seem to get out of the way in time and you know its going to hit you and be all over.

and i'm surprised that the singer lets me get this close to him after the ass slapping incident of last summer...yikes...


too bad this didn't turn out so well. it makes me laugh that i took this picture. because i don't really know the guy. just from going to the lower deck so damn much. i need to get out to the red stag. maybe for food sometime. who's in?
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