i've had enough of your fucking guns. what's up with shooting people? first virginia tech and now nasa? this week has been ridiculous and all it proves is that you need to do something with your gun laws. for real. clearly there needs to be some more intense background and psychological checking done before you should be able to buy a gun.
and another question, dear americans - why the need to carry concealed weapons? i understand that some of you want to seem like big and important people, but obviously you can't handle the responsibility. some of you think its your civil right to be able to carry a gun, but i seriously do not understand the need. you think that in your general every day lives you may be required to shoot something/someone? arguments of self defence are basically bullshit. because if no one was carrying a gun, it wouldn't be an issue. do you have a fear of someone coming at you with a gun for no reason that will require you to act in self defence? the way i see it is, if you're involved with the sorts of people who feel they actually need a gun to get through their everyday life, you're probably in some kind of trouble and possibly hanging out with a troubled group of people.
all you pro-gun nuts out there who are suggesting things like, "if the virginia tech students had been carrying guns, this could have been prevented", sould be set adrift on some sort of make-shift raft and left to fend for yourselves [i'm talking to you ted nugent - read here]. because that is definitely the most absurd thing i have ever heard. more guns is not the solution to this problem. less guns is the solution. yeah, the bad guys will probably always have guns. but this virginia tech guy got his guns legally. that's the problem. i'm not saying hunting rifles should go. it's the random people carrying assult weapons that is the problem. if it were legal for everyone to carry a gun everywhere, crazier people than this guy will be walking around everyday armed. yeah, great idea....
you will never convince me that carrying a gun is a good idea. ever. that some people seem so willing to shoot someone else is quite disturbing. when tempers get heated and people are carrying guns, things can escalate quickly. thats when problems start to happen. or, if everyone has a gun, people will start just shooting people and crying self defence. or they thought they were being a hero.
so in conclusion friends, i just want to say, put down the gun and start living like canadians. everyone will like you a whole lot more.
much love from the north,
ok. that's all i'm going to say on it. i've definitely reached my breaking point on this whole thing. i'm tired of crying and being angry.
one word that i know i could definitely go the rest of my life without ever hearing again is 'massacre'. pretty unlikely, i know, but i can hope, can't i?

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