Monday, April 23, 2007

it's almost over!!

i can pretty much taste it. sweet freedom. my last exam is tonight at 7 then i'm done! ow ow!!

well, done until may 5 when my summer class starts. haha! but i think that class will be a joke. popular music before 1960? yeah. think i can handle it. i wanted to take guitar theory and history because they actually teach you how to play guitar, but its during the day and runs till the end of june. and [hopefully] i will be working by the end of may. so i can't take it. sad but oh well.

i'm a little nervous about this cell bio exam. i love cell bio and the prof, but there is just soooo much confusing information to remember and understand. i feel like i could study for a thousand years and still not know everything. i need to get an 80 on this exam and i'll get an A in the class. and that would be a glorious thing, wouldn't it? an A in cell biology? yes. i got an A in my technology and environment philosophy class though. first A ever! but that class was kind of a joke. everyone should take it. plus the prof loved me.

ok. back to studying. i will OWN you cell bio!

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