that's the word of the day. sunday's are so boring. there is nothing on tv, there is nothing good on the internet. i should be studying but i can't get myself interested. i have no one to call because everyone is busy with whatever is going on in their life at the moment: working, parents in town, fiances, actually studying...
i want to play my guitar but i have a broken string [again] and have no replacements. i need to start buying more than one set of strings at a time. you'd think i'd learn my lesson. but i didn't actually break the string this time. it was my brother. so i guess technically he owes me a set of strings.
i think that this would have been the perfect summer to find a job not in halifax. this is the first time in my life that i actually have absolutely no reason to be in halifax for a summer. other summers had lame ass reasons for wanting to be here like fun times at lower deck patio parties with friends and following shameless around, but that's not gonna happen this summer [married partners in crime have less time for such activities]. and other summers had real reasons like, someone i was seeing and actual good jobs that meant something. but this summer? i got nothing. no someone, no good job, no shameless following.
ugh. get me out of here.

this is what i want to do with my life. i want to save the world.
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