i really wish that i could update this blog as things pop into my head. it would make it so much more interesting.
first of all, i got to see some great people who are leaving the province very soon and probably won't see again for a very long time. the blushing bride and her husband from a few weeks ago, and t the wonder co-worker are leaving. it was great to sit and chat and laugh over a beer before it all comes to an end. but i have an open invitation and my very own floor spot for crashing with the newly weds in england. so maybe i need to try to save up enough for a plane ticket... they gave me a great game as a thank you for designing their bookmarks and doing the layout for their bulletins for the wedding. now i just need someone to play it with. who likes board games? it was great times except we were going to go to the pogue fado. and if you've talked to me at all in the last month, you know i've been going crazy craving pogue food. so i was pumped. but we got to the pogue and it was closed for a staff party! come on! so we went to the duck. which is good, and the whole point was the company, not the food, but still! i need some pogue! who wants to go to the pogue? anyone? i know someone does.
so anyway, i left there and walked down to the ferry. i love the ferry. its probably one of my favourite things about halifax. one of my not so favourite things? the frigging harbour hopper. damn i hate that thing. its an embarrassment to the city. its so ugly and annoying. and from the harbour hopper this evening, i could see people taking pictures of the ferry. ok. i do love the ferry, for its people moving purposes and for the fact that you're on the water and you get some fresh air. despite the fact that you're on the harbour. but i do not like what the ferry looks like. big gross dumpy bath tub looking thing. why do you want pictures of that? i sure don't. anyway, i digress. i was sitting up on top of the ferry thinking that it was probably going to rain and happy that i had my jacket. just incase. and just before the ferry starts to pull away, this woman walks from the back and sits down close to the front. normal enough. except, she's wearing a lifejacket. uh huh. that's right. so, because i have an active imagination, i start thinking up all kinds of interesting things. like, does she know something i don't? is this boat going to sink? and i start trying to judge distances to the closest shoreline and wondering if my swimming abilities are still strong enough. i start thinking about the woman [not the lifejacket woman] and the three kids and how i would try to help her because there is no way the three kids can swim to shore. that's just how my brain works. anyway, one of the ferry workers comes down and starts talking to the lifejacket woman. he asks her if it is one of the ferry's lifejackets. she says yes. and he says, why are you wearing it? and she says, i saw it on the video [safety video that plays on a loop as you wait to board the ferry]. and he says, you don't have to wear it right now you know. and he puts his hand on her shoulder. and she flips. she starts screaming, STOP TOUCHING MY BODY!!!! and he goes, just make sure you put it back before you get off the boat. and she screams, GET YOUR HAND OFF ME YOU ASS HOLE!!! and he says, don't talk to me like that. and she says, THEN STOP TOUCHING ME ASS HOLE!! and at this point, he has stopped touching her before she even stopped screaming the first time. and he says, yeah, just go sleep it off. you'll feel better tomorrow. and walks away. and everyone on the ferry is laughing. i never want to be that person.
so off the ferry and onto the bus. which isn't exactly the bus i need to take me right home. so i have to get off and walk about 15 minutes to my house. which is fine. but its dark. on the ipod? jay-z/linkin park smash up at full volume. it's perfect walking home alone in the dark through my not totally, but a little bit scary area music. because it makes you feel tough enough that you could take on any little thug wannabe that may come your way for no good reason other than the fact that they think they're tough. but they're not. because they hang out in the school parking lot with their not hot cars.
anyway, it was a fabulous night because i got to see the girls. they're off to bigger and better things and i hope it all goes wonderfully for them. i really do. and i hope that when t the wonder co-worker gets back here in a years time, we get to be co-workers again.
and if anyone would like to make a donation to the "crash on the newlyweds floor" fund, you know where to find me.