Sunday, January 28, 2007

quarter century birthday celebrations

so last night was the ale house. it was strange because i had like 4 different goups of friends, and they were all spread out all over the bar. so because none of them mingled, it was up to me to make the rounds and not just hang out with one specific group. which was annoying.

and then, all my friends who i hang out with on a daily basis left by midnight. so then there was my design school friend and the people she brought, and my work friends and the people they brought. which was cool, but again, i'm neglecting someone. i started mostly hanging out with my work friends, which was hilarious. they are too funny. of the 2 of them that i knew from work, one is engaged and the other is single. so the single one and i decided it was going to be man hunt '07. but she hooked up pretty quickly. and i did not. hahaha so that was the end of man hunt '07. haha oh well. do i want to pick up a guy at the ale house? not really.

anyway, it was a pretty fun night in the end. i saw a few people that i don't normally see. now i have dinner with my family on monday, which is my real birthday. so that will be good times.

now i need to do homework. that's the worst part of going out. the hangover that makes you want to sleep, but the mountains of work that still need to be done. damn.

p.s. why would someone become a ta just to meet chicks? that's as bad as guys who become frosh leaders just to meet girls. pretty pathetic. but i could be persuaded to play along. if it came up. and it helps when they smell so good. we'll see.

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