Wednesday, July 05, 2006

sleep now

Oh man. I have never been so tired in my entire life. 4 days off is too much. You get too used to sleeping in and doing nothing. This job is way too boring to be this tired. Who wants to write paragraphs about American cities all day long? Not me...but that's what I'm doing. How did I end up working here? I don't think I'm going to survive the summer. But it's only another 2 months. I can do it. It wouldn't even be so bad if it was just part time. Maybe I'll be able to keep doing it once school starts. Because I'm going to need money. Oh damnit! I didn't submit my student loan application! It's all ready to go I just need to send it. I think I'm going to get screwed over this year. I ended up getting a job in February and didn't tell them. Am I going to get penalized? I hope not. I need money. And my coffee has arrived. God love the Tim's run.

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