Thursday, February 08, 2007

so valentines day is a sham.

i hate valentines day. and not because i'm bitter that i'm single. i have no problem being single. it's better for me right now. i hate valentines day because it makes me feel like i shoud be in a relationship. or at least want to be in a relationship. but i don't want to be forced into feeling that way. whatever. i have a cell biology exam on valentines day anyway. i love cell biology. i am in a relationship with cell biology.

the reason i'm bringing this up now is the valentines day edition of the coast came out today. and every valentines day they post free messages. there are tons of them. some are totally specific with names and stuff, and other ones are specific if you are the intended reader. they are an inside joke or nick names or whatever. and then there are some that are totally vague. there are some that say stuff like this:

I'm fairly sure that I love you.
I haven't told you yet, and I'm not sure when I will, but I do.

that could be to anyone.

there are none to me. maybe that one is to me. huh?

yeah, i don't think so either.

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