Saturday, March 31, 2007

actually, i am not five years old and i know what i'm doing.

i'm not sure what's going on at work lately. i've worked there for 5 years now and i'm pretty sure of what goes on and how things work [believe it or not].

so why is it that all of the sudden i've started getting condescending e-mailes from my supervisor detailing various procedures and little "reminders" about what needs to be done.

yeah, i've got it all under control, thanks.

it wouldn't be so bad getting these e-mails if i was actually slacking off or screwing up, but i'm not. and i know i'm not. i've even stepped it up a notch to make sure he was happy with everything. but i keep getting the fucking e-mails. and it's starting to make me hate him.

i don't know what changed, or what's going on with this supervisor [i'm not there during the week when he is] but this needs to stop. if his supervisor is coming down on him about stupid little things and pissing him off, well he needs to deal with that and stop projecting it on me. i hate being pissed off about everything when i'm there. it's one day a week. it shouldn't have me this furious.

if other people are screwing up and he's pissed about that and he wants me to do something about it, he should just come out and say that. but i'm not really seeing anyone doing anything really wrong and honestly i'm not going to put that much effort into figuring it out. if they want me to take on some kind of supervisor role, they're gonna want to start paying me for it. because right now, i've worked there 5 years and make the same wage as people who just started in september. sooo eff that. yeah.

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