Tuesday, November 07, 2006

nurse! pass me a scalpel!

man, i want to go to med school so. bad.

i have never felt so sure about anything in my whole life. for me, that's really saying something. i have never been overly confidant of my abilities to cross certain bridges and have wimped out in the past. but upon facing these same bridges again recently, i have managed to make my way across. slowly, and with a bit of an upset stomach, but i made it none the less.

my inspiration to go to med school comes from a bit of a stupid source that i'm not really comfortable blogging about. but i am grateful for it, and someday [if i make it] i will tell you all what hit me.

and no, it wasn't hoping that i'd run into a super hot john stamos-esque med student along the way. although, that would be a bonus.

why am i on this rant today you ask? because this morning i dissected a cockroach. if you know me at all you know that is a near impossible to comprehend sentence i have just put together. yes, ladies and gentlemen, I dissected a cockroach. if i can do that, i can do anything.

now all i need to do is not let myself down. i am a super-procrastinator extraordinare and i tend to disappoint myself quite often when it comes to school work. but recognizing that you have a problem is the first step to over coming it, right?

on that note, i'm off to study genetics.

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