Saturday, August 04, 2007

sometimes people surprise you and sometimes they don't

not surprising: he didn't call.

i know it's my fault too. but this is why i don't trust people. i know that people say things they don't mean when they're trying to get what they want, but to try to talk about plant anatomy and to actually carry on a conversation about it, that seems like a little too much effort for someone to put in for a one night stand. there are a thousand other things to talk about. and to remember random things that i said a month ago about whatever? i don't know. i guess i'm just really naive. this is where we were headed all along.

surprising: i got the best advice from someone who i didn't think would care either way.

most people i had a conversation with about this [which was only 3 or 4 people] said that i should just botty call him and have fun and that he should be my random hook up friend. and then there was one person i talked to last night who said that i shouldn't do anything because i'm not that kind of person and that he thought i'd regret it and end up getting hurt because i actually care about people and deserve to have people care about me. which this guy clearly does not. honestly, i was shocked that he said that to me. not because i don't think it's not true, but because i would have considered myself least close to him on the list of friends. but he gave the advice of a real friend. and for that i'm greatful.

i think that i was feeling exactly what he told me about me not being the random hook up kind of girl, i just needed to hear it. but i'm getting tired of not having anyone in my life. i think i was really only considering it because a random someone is better than no one. but i know i'd never last. i would end up hurt and going crazy. i'd be too invested and want more.


on an unrelated note, if you kick someone out of your life, is it ok to wish them a happy birthday? because the boot was given under conditions of extreme stress and frustration. i immediately regreted the action that was taken and wish pretty much every day that i could take it back. i thought i'd stop caring. that it would just fade away. but i haven't stopped. i still wonder how he's doing and what he's up to. i care because i know that things were difficult and he's good people and i want everything to be ok for him.

ugh. i hate how much i care about everything. why do i need to always get so invested? such a waste of energy. no one ever cares anywhere near as much back. except my advice friend. once, he cared more than i did and i hurt him.

this is getting too mopey. i'm done.

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