Friday, May 18, 2007

this is getting ridiculous

what's up with moron kids? calling/emailing/leaving notes threatening your high school with bomb threats is just being a fucking stupid kid. it's not funny. it's not cool. it's just stupid. 3 high schools yesterday closed, and 3 more today. 2 of the 3 today were 2 that were closed yesterday. i mean, COME ON! today was obviously just a bunch of fucking copy cats trying to be "the man" or whatever. grow the fuck up.

one of the schools does not need a bomb threat. not that any of them do, but this one in particular is trying to repair the shitty image that was bestowed upon it back in the day by the fuckheads and media. everyone in my time at the school worked hard to bring the image around. people are proud of their school and the stupid people of today and yesterday are just ruining everything for everyone who is proud of their high school. i'd like to slap these kids and try to get them to see the bigger picture.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Sunday, May 13, 2007


oh my god. tonight may have been the most hilarious night of my entire life. bruce frisko, you are the man. i can't believe that guy actually got the tattoo. awesome.

and running into people who i absolutely love? icing on the cake.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

they say everyone has a twin

it just so happens that the instructor for my class is the damn clone of the one person i'd rather not have standing in front of me for two and a half hours every day for the next 3 weeks given the status of our now definitely non-relationship. know how hard it is to concentrate on what the clone is saying when you're thinking about all the stupid things that mean nothing that you should not be thinking about? the clone even has the same fucking name! what the hell! i'm being punished. i must be. because it's not fair to taunt me like this for no reason. ugh.

Monday, May 07, 2007

classes and jobs

so i got the job i didn't want. but now that i have it, i'm ok with it. should be ok. i'm looking forward to be in charge. and today was the first day of my summer class. it seems like it'll be ok. the reader will cost me $100 on top of the $660 the class costs.... holy expensive. i hate that one class is costing me almost $1000. stupid universtiy. i better get an A in this class after blowing cell biology the way i did. i'm so pissed about that. but whatever. what's done is done, right?

p.s. still no dinner with my father...

Thursday, May 03, 2007

silence like a cancer grows

my whole life, my family has had supper together every day. well, every day that we are all home. except weekends. weekends are usually a free for all. it's obviously gotten harder to do as my brothers and i have gotten older with people working, late classes, friends, sports, and stuff like that. but more often than not, my whole family has supper together. i know, its weird but we do it.

except lately.

i'm not really sure what happened. my dad hasn't eaten supper with the family since friday. he's been home every night. mom sets a plate for him. but he never comes and eats. i have no idea why. no one in my family talks. i have no idea what's going on. jesus.

this is beginning to eat out my insides and feeding my desire to get the hell out of here. but that would actually be running away, wouldn't it?

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

and here it is!

i joined this group weeks ago. awesome.


thats how i feel.

i am completely torn over this whole summer job thing. i want a job i haven't even applied for and don't want the job i think i'm going to get. and if i get the job, i can't turn it down [complicated situation]. i am now kind of hoping i don't get it. but if i don't, i have no guarantee that i'll get the job i want to get.

ugh. stressing.